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The Kenzie Four Pack

At 17 months old Kenzie was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect and needed a heart transplant. She received the heart transplant and for many years her body did well. She had issues from time to time and it was difficult for her to gain any weight, but she was alive and happy. A few years ago, Kenzie’s heart began to have problems. She was in and out of the hospital and put on the heart transplant list again. Nearly a year ago Kenzie’s heart stopped. She had no pulse for an hour and a half. Her dad began CPR until the paramedics came. They continued CPR until they could get her to the hospital. After an hour of trying to get a pulse the doctor finally said if he didn’t get a pulse within the next five minutes, he would need to pronounce her dead. He immediately got a pulse from Kenzie. For the next few days it was unknown whether Kenzie would live. It was unknown if she had brain damage or memory loss. There were so many unknowns. Kenzie fought so hard. After almost a year of trying and waiting and hoping she had a major complication and was taken off the transplant list. Not long after coming home she passed away peacefully in her mother's arms. The grief is overwhelming at times because we miss and love her so much! Everyone that knew her loved her. She was truly amazing and dealt with more pain in her short life then most people go through in their entire lives. Each person that knew her became a better person because they knew her. The flavors in this four pack were created by Kenzie and they will only be available in the Kenzie Four Pack. A portion of the proceeds will go towards Donor Connect to help more people understand the great need to be an organ donor! There are many children and adults who are in the same situation Kenzie was in and would benefit so much from more of us choosing to be an organ donor. Buy the four pack and share it with your friends! Tell them the story of Kenzie and encourage everyone to be an organ donor. Know that a portion of your purchase will help others understand the importance of being an organ donor. We'll always miss you, Kenzie. Thank you for being our friend!

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Kenzie's Flavors

Heart of a Warrior - Tiger's Blood Ice Cream

Tiny but Mighty - Orange Ice Cream with White Chocolate and Pop Rocks

Fierce and Fabulous - Caramel Apple Ice Cream

Sassy Pants - Raspberry Lemonade Sorbet





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